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Friday, March 28, 2008 @ Yeaaaaah Friday’s event was a roaring success!
The committee team made a lot of preparations in advanced this time round (we kept our promise, we learn from mistakes!) so everything went great.

Most of the participants had a hard time with questions like those history-related ones. But some RidgeCats like Soo Kutanaga actually knew the answers. Kudos to them! The popular questions were naturally the tabloid-related ones.

There were actually enthusiastic chants of “TABLOID PLEASE!!” One of the questions was: “Name the famous hotel heiress who went to jail in 2007.” You know this too right? (If you really have no clue…’s Paris Hilton.)

Once again, we must thank all of you for making this event such a success! ^_^ We also had a prize ceremony at the University Amphitheatre after the game ended. Congratulations to all the winners!

Entry contributed by Jenelle Yokosuka , RidgeCat Guru

Sunday, March 23, 2008 @ Eeeee-ragon!

For some, it was just another Saturday night on NUS island.

For me, it was more like Saturday night fever - HOT HOT HOT!

There I was minding my own business at the sandbox, rezzing up freebies that I had looted from the vast freebie warehouses, when I noticed a small red dot in the distance. It wasn't quite Singapore on the world map, but yet I had a bad feeling about it.

It grew bigger, my heightened vision (courtesy of my Matrix 2004 glasses) noticed it had a pair of wings. I had a sense of foreboding. What in the blue, blue skies of Second Life could it possibly be? (And why in the world am I giving it a damn?)

Red dot. With wings. Now it was breathing fire.


It was a dragon! Apparently Christian Bale didn't quite get them all in "Reign of Fire". The moron. Well, as a NUS Ridgecat Senior(since 21st Mar 2008, thank you), I couldn't possibly stand by (actually I was sitting down, rezzing 1,000 freebies is tiring work!) and watch this hideous freak of nature invade our peaceful island!


I donned my Futuristic Dragon Slaying, Plasma Rifle Wielding skin and rushed to meet the aggressor. However, when I caught skin of its majestic crimson and black hide, its ivory horns and those Darlie-white teeth, I was in awe. Surely one couldn't hurt this fine, endangered species!

Peeking from behind the leaves of a potted plant nearby, I observed the creature as it poked its head around the Shout-Out Corner. It seemed to be looking for something. As its head pointed towards the RidgeCat Milo Truck, I gasped in horror:


I screamed as I charged out from my well-hidden position and confronted the beast! He (at least I think it's a he) cocked his head to one side, checking out this scrawny little figure, making some incomprehensible noises and gestures (which I will not describe).


He roared, and breathed searing flames towards me, narrowly missing my Dolce & Gabbana skinsuit. I realised I had picked the wrong fight (obviously, duh). I hit Alt+F4 before you can say "Milo Truck".

Lesson learnt?

Never come between a Dragon and our his milo!

Entry contributed by Soo Kutanaga , RidgeCat Senior

Friday, March 21, 2008 @ Trigger-Happy
NUS Island is such a scenic place that good friend Alloy Blinker and I went absolutely berserk posing for snapshots! Our favourite was definitely the Milo Van. Then we went to the beach looking hot hot hot! Haha. This is too surreal. We are so centre-page material.

Our local hero, Fatman(Basketcase Criss), yes, a very fat version of Batman, dropped by on us at the dorm. LividEye Yoshikawa immediately went gaga like I've never seen before. He said Fatman is the most "zai" avatar and kept egging me to take pictures!

Ugh. I've become his unofficial paparazzi. Fatman kindly showed us how to keep fit and healthy, probably the last person to look healthy amongst us really.
Can you imagine that?! Ping Dreamscape also joined us at the gym, in her new red-black eleghant dress.

Ironically, moments later, both Fatman and LividEye were found slumped by the poolside at the dorms. Too much Magic Beer, I was told. Hahaha... Tsk tsk. So much for being role models, people!

Entry contributed by Mathilde Marjeta , RidgeCat Regular

Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ I Want to Find My Soul Mate in NUS Second Life Too!
Oh my god... guess what I spotted at the Sandbox the other day!!!

A COUPLE IN THEIR WEDDING SUIT AVATAR! No no, no RA stuff happening but they were so loving that I was so jealous!

I tried to walk up to them, asking if they were from NUS but they were very shy and were too engrossed with each other to even notice my presence. I had to fly up and down in front of them before they broke apart embarrassingly and we had a brief conversation; I boldly asked if I can take some nice snapshots of them. Later I found out, they are INDEED a couple in NUS!

Anything is possible in Second Life. They were really a match made in heaven. How lucky are they... Someone told me the other day in NUS Second Life that in some other islands, you can actually GET MARRIED, I didn't quite believe it at first but now...

You know what? I want to find my soul mate in NUS Second Life too! I want I want! *blush*

Entry contributed by Giggerotar Aeon, RidgeCat Regular

Sunday, March 16, 2008 @ If Things Can Go Wrong, It Will Go Wrong
Somehow it went awry.

It might have been a combination of problems – either the RidgeCats did something wrong or there were unexpected technical problems with the servers.

Clues and locations, CHECKED.
Rezzing inspection, CHECKED.
Getting students to join the treasure hunt,CHECKED.
RidgeCats’ attendance,CHECKED(one of the RidgeCat Guru was sick so we were actually 1 person short).
Third-party purchases by participants, NOT CHECKED.
Possible coordination problems due to the large area and massive flying/teleportation, NOT CHECKED.

As a result of our inadequate checkings, the treasure hunt clues couldn’t be purchase immediately by the participants. However, we managed to end on time at 11.30 p.m and explained the situation to our participants at the Shout Out Corner. A special mention must be made: Mathilde Marjeta’s group managed to get every single clue and they were the supposed winners - but due to the technical problems, we had to be fair to everyone who really tried very hard and decided to award everyone equally with our exclusive RidgeCat T-shirt. We hope that this solution will appease the participants, especially those who felt disappointment at not winning the top prizes.

Despite all the problems, everyone who participated was very understanding and enjoyed the entire game. Some of them even felt bad for Mathilde Marjeta’s group – what a great display of sportsmanship! All participants were automatically granted one level above basic membership to 'Regulars'. They were also given priority placements for the next game – which of course includes fantastic real-life prizes!

We must make a heartfelt thank you to all the participants because you guys made the hunt a relative success. To those who expressed their desire to join the hunt even after it started at 10.30 p.m, we hope to see you during the next game! To those who are not affiliated with NUS but still showed your support, thank you for your encouragements! We are truly sorry you guys couldn’t join in the fun (it was reserved solely for NUS’s staff and students), but we really appreciate your presence. The RidgeCat Gurus will learn from this experience and provide a better game play the next time round.

We sincerely apologise for the problems but we give you our assurance and PROMISE that such a nightmare will not happen again in the future.

Please continue to give us your support and come down for our future events. You can check for upcoming events in the Calendar section.

Entry contributed by Jui Aeon , RidgeCat Guru

Friday, March 14, 2008 @ Hooked is in NUS Second Life
We have put up the first Campus Publication Ad... it is also my personal favourite in NUS so far. I felt they truly deserved the title of best campus publication and made it a point to check them out all the time. You can see them on our giant billboards when you pass by the Amphitheatre and the Graffitti Boards. For those who are still not in the know of this amazing campus e-zine, you can click on the billboard to access it, or please wake up now and click HERE! We're also very honoured to be featured earlier during our Road Show in their event highlight, hopefully we can be featured again soon. *wink wink*

Entry contributed by LividEye Yoshikawa , RidgeCat Guru

Thursday, March 6, 2008 @ Makings of an Ideal Hangout
You said there are no cool places in school. You said there are no places to chill. You said there’s no where you can mingle and make friends here. You said canteen’s your regular hangout at NUS. I saw you there. Hey, that’s a great place. But I know of a great place we can go too.

Would you come with me? Where?!

It’s our new hangout. Don’t you know? Here. We’ve got us a cool pool where we can swim, glide and dive. We’ve got us a beautiful beach where we can laze, tan and even jet-ski! We’ve got us a happening dance floor where we can chill, party and groove to the beat all night long. It is all for us. Isn’t it wonderful? It belongs to us. And so you need to be here.

Where are you now? The party’s just waiting for you to get started.

You know, you get to own a part of it too. Join us now @ NUS Second Life.

Entry contributed by Fang Gartle, Chief RidgeCat Guru

Sunday, March 2, 2008 @ So Whats a RidgeCat anyway?
It’s the birth of the NUS student identity in the 3D virtual world of Second Life and we're NOT talking about your mindless Facebook nudgings...!

There are currently 9 RidgeCats on the NUS Second Life island, and we have all worked hard to get to where we are today. There’s something we all have in common (and I’m pretty sure it’s something you’ll acquire soon) – the love for Second Life! Second Life is currently the world’s most popular virtual world and it boasts over a million users from all over planet earth! You cannot begin to imagine how vast and how many different kinds of people you’ll meet in this virtual world.

Of course, not all of us have the same level of passion – some of us are ADDICTS. Take Jui Aeon(another fellow RidgeCat Guru) for example. She is the ultimate professional for all things regarding Second Life. She’s even made money out of selling furniture – and that money, mind you, can be translated to real U.S. dollars! the thing is everyone can be like her, if you try hard enough. There are the people like me who still have a lot more to learn about this cool 3D knowhow – but learning is never a tedious thing because I always have fun and have the rest of the RidgeCats to help me out as well. This is something YOU can expect when you become a NUS Second Life resident! We will do our best to assist you with the common technicalities or stuff like avatar customisation. We are all students (ranging from 2nd year to 4th year) so we actually get you. *wink wink*

Entry contributed by Jenelle Yokosuka, RidgeCat Guru

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