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Saturday, September 27, 2008 @ Punk-ed
Mmm...don't mess with us punks.

Indra bought his outfit, so unless you're super rich, no point trying to emulate this style lol. My stuff is err...95% free. The skin is by Chemical Kisses (1L), "Prozak" shoes and piercings from Slexchange (both oL), "Skull Wrist Wraps" was a group gift, black nail polish from Barerose (1L), top and jeans from Black Maria (both 0L), and the belt is from Black Maria main store (also 0L). Man this outfit of mine seriously has too many accessories...I can't remember where I got the rest! Probably from some freebie island or the other.

Non-free items
Hair from Junwave (80L)
Eyes from Kick (180L)

-And Exonar

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Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ Dressing Up?
Ahem...your resident FASHION QUEEN is here to provide some grooming and shopping tips! (Eh I didn't give myself this title, I'm not so hao lian please. Apparently my obsession with shopping has made me a walking fashion show XD). And right now I'm in the mood for some girly Jap goodies!

Behold the cuteness of my avatar *winks*. The skin (Sakura Sorceress') is free from Mela's, and so is the shape (Mari from Luna Shapes). Oh and the prim eyelashes are from The Changing Room. Some advice here; most newbies tend to use the "edit appearance" tab to change their looks (I did that too!), but try to avoid that because the results can never match up to pre-made shapes. Of course if the shapes you do get are still not to your liking, THEN you can use the "edit appearance" tab. The one you see in pic above has actually been heavily edited by me so much so that it doesn't resemble the original version anymore.

There's a lovely dollarbie shop in Santa Monica Mall, where you can get pretty garden dresses like the those in the pics above for just 1L each (time to spend money earned from camping!). Or if you'd rather camp for prizes, there's two spots in the Santa Monica sim where you can get a dress after 20min. Just walk around (the sim ain't that big) and you'll find them fairly easily Along the way, do check out the other stores and lucky boards/chairs scattered around the place. You never know if there's some freebies out or if your initial is being flashed!

Patiently waiting for my prize.

I've gotten this already!

The pretty pink pumps are free!
From the Changing Room (same as the prim eyelashes)

Rily's Main Store has one more camping spot for anyone who errr...loves pink and garden dresses.

And finally, one of my favourite outfits "Alice Dress" (it just reminds you of Alice in Wonderland doesn't it?) can also be obtained via camping for 20min at Likka House. The boots I got from SL Exchange for 0L.

By the way, if you find that some of the items don't fit your avatar very well, just right-click on them and choose "edit". Then click on the "stretch" option to re-size the items. Alternatively you can edit your shape.

Alrightee, that's all for now. Do check back for more updates!

Non-free items:
Hair from Junwave (80L)
Eyes from Kick (180L)

-And Exonar

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Monday, September 22, 2008 @ Pirates Party @ NUS dancefloor
It's your PD, Peng Kellman once again to bring you the latest updates of the events.

Kickstarting the new SL event calendar for the new year is our first Pirate Theme Party. It's held last saturday (20 Sept) from 10-12mn at our favourite clubbing site, the dancefloor. Special Thanks to DJ Indra for heating up the party with his RnB weekend dedications.

We had a Best Pirate Dress Competition for the male/female categories during the party. It was a tough fight for the Pirate Queen and our external project director, Gshan managed to overcome the tie-breaker to win in the end.

Our Pirate Queen, Gshan Charleville

Our Pirate King, Livideye Yoshikawa

Una Competition up next saturday. Do visit the blog for more updates :)

-Peng Kellman-

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ How to earn easy/lazy Lindens?

The easiest answer to that question is camp. Hi, its McPriPree again, and this time I will explain on what is camping, how it is done and some good places you can go to.

What is camping?

Basically, you will station in 1 particular spot for a duration of time in a particular SIM and the landowner will pay you a certain amount of Lindens. Camping will come in different rates ranging from L$10/10min to as bad as L$1/1400min. Since camping leeches Lindens off the landowner, it is hard for a landowner to maintain the same camping rates for months. Thus, landowners normally change their camping rates monthly, or some even, daily. Searching for good camping spots will be hard as you are competiting with hundreds and thousands of other campers constantly searching for the same thing, the best camp site. But never fear, in NUS-SL, we share our camping spots (if you ask politely) J.

Types of camping

Before I jump right into camping, there are many different types of camping modes you will come across in SecondLife. The most common types are camping chairs, lucky chairs and the CampMaster. Below are some pictures of what they look like.

Camp Masters (or similar)

Camp master


Camping Chairs/Rugs/Benches/Lucky Chair

Camping seats

Lucky Chair

If you noticed those little words above the Camp Master in the above picture, it says something about antibot. That is one important thing every camper need to know.


Most SIMs do not allow players/campers to use bots in their camping spots, for many obvious reasons of course. Mainly, its cheating. To prevent bots from using their camping facilities, they will use some anti-bot control. Every 5-30min (depending on the landowner), a question will pop up. If the player do not answer it within a specific time frame (normally 15-30sec), the player will be booted out of the camping chair/spot.

Camping continuation prompts

How to camp?

It is pretty simple. Just right click on the camping spot, and sit on it. Most or all of the good camping areas will require the camper to join the group in order to start camping. So prepare to join several groups if you want some nice camp rates.


Now that we know how to camp, below are some places I have found to be worthy of my time.

Warning, some of them might be closed during certain times and BE PREPARED to face great amounts of lag for some camping sites due to the extremely high traffic in those areas.

Wait, you thought that was all about camping? You are wrong, that is just the beginning. Camping for Lindens is easy and convenient but camping for items on the other hand, is more practical. Consider camping 10 hours just to earn L$80, compared to camping 10 hours for a skin pack worth L$1200, you just screwed yourself! Just kidding, the Lindens offer much more freedom to what you want to buy.

Camp for Items

Yes, you can camp for items too! The camping system works almost the same way as camping for money and the best thing is, there are no anti-bots in item-camping!

1) Simply add their land to your picks!

2) Wait for 24 hours for the system to register your picks.

3) Visit the same place again and click on the sign to get your Lindens!

4) Vist the same place again after the stated duration and get more Lindens!

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Monday, September 15, 2008 @ RidgeCat Party @ Dancefloor
Ridgecat Party held last thursday (11-12 Sept) was a huge success. I hoped everyone enjoyed the session as much as I do. More events will be coming up soon in the next few weeks as the new exco team takes over the management of the NUS SL island.

I will like to thank the exco members, Fang, Indra, And, Peng, Gshan, McPri, Inochi and Silva for making the event turn-out smoothly. It's been tough planning this but we are glad everything ended well eventually.

Some snapshots from the Ridgecat Party.

Pirates Party coming up next on the 20 Sept. Everyone is invited to the party. See ya guys around :)
-Peng Kellman-

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ Sun, Sand, Sea!!!
Do you think that in Second Life there are only shops and buildings? You are absolutely wrong. There are lots of other places that you can explore and I am here to introduce 2 places with nice scenery and fun activities that you can get yourself to engage in.

Let me introduce our very own NUS beach. It is located at the west side of NUS. The following pictures will show you what you can do at NUS beach:

1) See me Posing and Relaxing!

2) Wheee~~ Jet-Ski-ing

Lastly, I am going to introduce to you Amigo Beach. You are able to search for this place using the SEARCH icon that is located at the bottom of the screen. After you click on SEARCH, you just type in Amigo Beach. And press on the link and press teleport. And there you are… Welcome to Amigo Beach!

Right now, let me introduce the activities you can engage yourself in…

1) Grab your very own Parachute here…

2) Wheee~ On your mark, Get set, FLY…

3) After such adventurous game, it is time to RELAX! Breathe in, Breathe out… Engage yourself in some Yoga exercises…

4) Still not enough? Try this!

5) Still feeling energetic? Try Windsurfing

Looks exciting isn’t it? Try them yourself and you will realize how fun Second life can be…

~GShan Charleville~

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Monday, September 8, 2008 @ Dogfighting
Ever wondered what does it feel like to be a fighter pilot during world war 1, world war 2, or maybe even during the recent wars? Don’t you even want to have a feel on how exhilarating it must be in that small cockpit, chasing after your enemies, only to find more closing in behind you? Well, look no further because second life offers you that opportunity too.
Hi, I’m Indra Vlodovic, EDF Diablo Rosso Chief Executive Officer/2IC, and i will introduce you to the life of a fighter pilot in Second life.

The planes in second life differs from one another. Some costs quite cheap where else the good ones can reach up to 2k in price. For dog-fighting purposes and for plane enthusiasts, cheap planes that does not show details, zero realism in flight and planes that does not have some form of a history background, just does not fit the bill. To start it off, there’s a wide variety of planes you can buy but the following, has been my fav so far.

The Hawker Hurricane Mk.I, a legendary defender of Britain, is by far the newest and the best plane ever created in SL(in my point of view). I’ve shot down some of the aces in SL with this plane haha. Maybe i was lucky but then again, it is one shot too many for the aces. It is controlled using a HUD, easy to understand and operate, reliable and effective, and offers some of the best realistic flights you can ever have. Here is a pic with me and my wife :)


Since my squadron also have a seaplane wing, I told myself to get one realistic looking, can act both as a plane for search and rescue and also as a plane for combat. So the first seaplane that came into my mind was the E.B. Aeronautica Savoia S.21. Eventhough this plane is semi-fictional, it still serves the purpose that we needed. Here she is, in her glorious red beauty.


Dogfighting can give you countless hours of fun seriously. The best part is that you don’t even need to buy a plane because anyone who has one can make you the guest pilot for that particular plane he/she has so no worries! Just join us if you want!
Ouh ya, below are some photos of my other planes and me in action during dog-fighting hahaha, have fun and see you all.





~Indra Voldovic~
EDF Diablo Rosso Chief Executive Officer/2IC

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@ 7Seas Fishing
One thing you can do in SecondLife is fishing. Although it is not out in the NUS Sim yet, you can visit other Sims to fish or do other fun stuff. There are two main brands in SL fishing, 7seas Fishing (which is what I am about to introduce) and Neo-Realms Fishing (which is 2-3x more expensive but you can fish anywhere).

The limitations to 7Seas Fishing is the location. You have to find a Sim that supports it before you can start fishing. You can find the locations here:

To start off, you will have to buy a fishing rod. There are 4 fishing rods for sale.
1) L$1 Demo fishing rod (Cast 5 times, catches only Commons)
2) L$100 Casual fishing rod (Catches Commons to Rares)
3) L$250 Pro fishing rod (Catches All types)
4) L$250 Tiny fishing rod (Pro fishing rod for Tiny Avatars)
I recommend the Pro fishing rod which costs L$250 and it comes with 100 baits. So you can cast 100 times before you have to refill your baits which cost L$30 per 100 baits.

After you have equipped your fishing rod, now it is time to start fishing. Sit or stand by a lake/sea/beach, left click the fishing rod you are holding a box will pop up showing you your fishing status. Click Cast to start fishing.

While you wait for your fish to get hooked onto the bait, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery around you :)

You will get a range of rewards/fishes listed here:

Here are some fishes I have caught:
Common (Red Flounder)

Uncommon (Blue Crab, Blue Merman, Yellow Catfish)

Rare (Sea Urchin, Electric Eel, Narwhal)

UltraRare (Shift Venom Fish, SwordFish)

SuperUltraRare (Angel Fish)

Outfits (Bulls eye Fishing Hat, Tiger Stripped Fishing Hat, Worm and Hook Earrings, Red 7Seas T-shirt, Blue Swimming Trunks)

McPriPree Dezno

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