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Our Pirate King, Livideye Yoshikawa
Una Competition up next saturday. Do visit the blog for more updates :)View/Post a Comment( 0 comments)
The easiest answer to that question is camp. Hi, its McPriPree again, and this time I will explain on what is camping, how it is done and some good places you can go to.
What is camping?
Basically, you will station in 1 particular spot for a duration of time in a particular SIM and the landowner will pay you a certain amount of Lindens. Camping will come in different rates ranging from L$10/10min to as bad as L$1/1400min. Since camping leeches Lindens off the landowner, it is hard for a landowner to maintain the same camping rates for months. Thus, landowners normally change their camping rates monthly, or some even, daily. Searching for good camping spots will be hard as you are competiting with hundreds and thousands of other campers constantly searching for the same thing, the best camp site. But never fear, in NUS-SL, we share our camping spots (if you ask politely) J.
Types of camping
Before I jump right into camping, there are many different types of camping modes you will come across in SecondLife. The most common types are camping chairs, lucky chairs and the CampMaster. Below are some pictures of what they look like.
Camp Masters (or similar)
Camping Chairs/Rugs/Benches/Lucky Chair
If you noticed those little words above the Camp Master in the above picture, it says something about antibot. That is one important thing every camper need to know.
Most SIMs do not allow players/campers to use bots in their camping spots, for many obvious reasons of course. Mainly, its cheating. To prevent bots from using their camping facilities, they will use some anti-bot control. Every 5-30min (depending on the landowner), a question will pop up. If the player do not answer it within a specific time frame (normally 15-30sec), the player will be booted out of the camping chair/spot.
How to camp?
It is pretty simple. Just right click on the camping spot, and sit on it. Most or all of the good camping areas will require the camper to join the group in order to start camping. So prepare to join several groups if you want some nice camp rates.
Now that we know how to camp, below are some places I have found to be worthy of my time.
Warning, some of them might be closed during certain times and BE PREPARED to face great amounts of lag for some camping sites due to the extremely high traffic in those areas.
Wait, you thought that was all about camping? You are wrong, that is just the beginning. Camping for Lindens is easy and convenient but camping for items on the other hand, is more practical. Consider camping 10 hours just to earn L$80, compared to camping 10 hours for a skin pack worth L$1200, you just screwed yourself! Just kidding, the Lindens offer much more freedom to what you want to buy.
Camp for Items
Yes, you can camp for items too! The camping system works almost the same way as camping for money and the best thing is, there are no anti-bots in item-camping!
1) Simply add their land to your picks!
2) Wait for 24 hours for the system to register your picks.
3) Visit the same place again and click on the sign to get your Lindens!
4) Vist the same place again after the stated duration and get more Lindens!
Labels: Basics, Camping, Earning Lindens
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